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How to teach effectively?

How to make boring classroom into an interactive classroom

A classroom is a place where people from different background and culture unite for a single purpose and that is education, well this definition belongs to teachers; for students, it is a monotones place with same long lectures, books, homework and assignments. Only a few students can keep up with these things, for rest the students only sport and lunch period are joyful. Have you ever had a question in your mind, that the phone that you used 20 years ago and the phone you have now are way too different? Then how the teaching methods from 20 years ago and now are the same? This question is enough to elicit the thought that there are no efforts made to improve the education system.

Future teachers learning valuable lessons from India teaching ...
The fate of students rests on teachers; teachers of the new the generation has come up with some of the best teaching ways that have increased the class engagement up to 78%. If you are a teacher, tutor or maybe someone who loves teaching others, this blog encloses some of the most amazing methods that will keep the interest of the students till the end.

      1.       Frequent Outdoor visits

Forest School: 9 ways children benefit from learning and playing ...

The small visit to garden or corridor will break the monotonicity of the class and students will be more enthusiastic and pay attention.

2.       The concept of a story

Digital education among students in rural areas | Forbes India Blog

Students love the fun element during the class; if you try to increase the frequency of fun element in teaching the students will be more attentive towards the class. Few scientific jocks will be very helpful.

           3.       Visualization

Reading Strategy: Teaching Students to Use Visualization - Your ...

Visualization is the key to understanding, there are a few topics were until and unless visual media is used the students are not able to fathom the topic. The visual media is very useful in subjects like Math

           4.       Cooperative Learn

The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Student Learning & Assessment

The teacher should provoke cooperative learning, this can be done by making groups and encouraging students to help each other in the respective field.

          5.       Praise for the hard work

Teachers Who Praise Students Get a 30 Percent Increase in Good ...

Students should always be encourage whenever they try to do there best, this will provoke them to do better, if not praised they might procrastinate.

          6.       Always ask their opinion

How the media image of the 'great' teacher hurts the real-life ...

Students should always be asked to express their views and opinion by this, the teacher will know the intellect of the child. It also makes the student feel special and he continues to pay attention to the studies.

          7.       One to one talk

Positive Student Teacher Conference Stock Image - Image of ...

Teachers should always have one to one talk with the students about the future goals and career, the intention is to make the student comfortable with the teacher, It rules out the hesitation in the class participation and builds more confidence in the student.

The following ways can be used to increase the participation of students in the class, the whole idea is to make the education work for us, if it is not the higher ones then only we can break the chain. Let us make an impact and pass it on the next generation.


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